Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 MultiPlayer by TEKNOGODS dan AlterMW3


TeknoMW3 2.0 - Modern Warfare 3 Steamless/Demonwareless Loader

We hope you'll enjoy this fine release! It took months to pull it
off. - We basically had to write some missing pieces of the game,
add a lot of extra services and code to handle them.

Our goal was to make it easier to play the game on LAN parties
or wherever a proper internet connection is a problem.

For future releases we plan on adding Internet server list,
an in-game console, mod support and much much more!

Don't forget to donate if you would like to keep us supporting
this Modern Warefare 3 MOD!

Regards & Enjoy
TeknoGods Staff

1. .NET Framework 4.0 ... x?id=17851
2. Original Modern Warfare 3 1.0-1.5 update
3. Original IW5SP.exe, IW5Server.exe and IW5MP.exe
4. No pirated versions

1. Copy TeknoMW3.exe, TeknoMW3.dll to your game folder.
2. Run TeknoMW3.exe
3. On first run select nickname and fov

Usage for MP Direct Connect:
1. Press Multiplayer
2. Enter Server IP and Port
3. Press Start (Direct Connect)
4. In game press F12 to connect.

Usage for MP LAN:
1. Press Multiplayer
2. Press Start (LAN Game)
3. In game go to Options -> Dedicated Server and Enable "Enable Server Browser"
4. Go back to main menu -> server browser -> LAN tab
5. Select some server
5. Join the game (double click or click connect)

Usage for Dedicated Server:
1. Edit your \players2\server.cfg (if needed)
2. Press Multiplayer
3. Enter server port of your choosing

NOTE!: The port must be availble, if you enter some used port
the server will start, but you wont be able to join.

3. Press Start Dedicated Server
4. Select map by using "map" command, for example map map_village
or start map rotation
5. Tell clients to join

Usage for Singleplayer Host:
1. Press Singleplayer
2. Press Start as host
3. In game press "TeknoGods Coop" to host

Usage for Singleplayer Client:
1. Click Singleplayer
2. Enter IP Address
3. Press Start as client
4. In game click on "TeknoGods Coop" to join

Usage for getting Steam profile:
1. See Setup
2. Run Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer from Steam
3. Press the "profile dumper" button in the TeknoMW3 loader GUI
4. Follow instructions
5. Done!

- This release is not intended for piracy usage!
- You must always use the launcher to run the game.

This release is beta quality. If something breaks, review any
pertinent comments on, then email me as a last resort.
Include all log files and a detailed description of problem and
how to reproduce it.

Special thanks:
Testers: Happy, Obso, MG, DinoSuperG, Lisfx, Crazycat, Simon, MWatts
Our community of course!

Change Log:
Current version (MAJOR RELEASE):

- Dedicated Servers support
* You can now start a dedicated server when totally offline.
* The games are now ranked
* Support for future DLC maps!
* Server will be visible on server browser / LAN tab. If you wish to connect
directly use GUI to setup IP and use F12 in game to connect. (works over
the internet)
- Multiplayer support
* You can now play using custom classes
* Theater works
* The game works totally offline (No need Steam or Demonware connection)
- Profile dumper support
* If you copied our release to your MW3 game in the Steam folder, you can now
import your online Demonware profile to play offline. However it will update
separately from that point.
Run multiplayer mode using steam -> Alt+Tab back to desktop -> run teknowm3
loader -> click Profile dumper
* Your Steam ID can be automatically obtained and saved to the teknogods.ini

Previous versions:

- SteamID generation failed with ID "/" when ID was not present and progress
was not saved. This is now fixed and autodetected.
- Multilanguage problems now fixed, French language works fine.

- New advanced patching code to prevent timeouts.
- All IP ranges now work.
- IP Box recoded for better usability.
- Bug that caused Client to die on startup is now fixed.
- .NET 4.0 Problems should now be gone.
- Added FOV (65-120) support under settings.
- Now checks for updates on each startup to keep users up-to-date.
- Added "TeknoGods Coop" over the multiplayer text to make it more clear.
- Lot of small bug fixes on loader.
- Version 1.4 of the game now works properly.
- Fixed "," issues with foreign language Windows.
- Added notice when joining game that makes troubleshooting easier
- Added notice when host and client have same IDs.
- Launcher now requires admin rights in order to run.

- LAN hosts have now better connectivity


DOWNLOAD: TEKNOGODS Modern Warfare Steamless Loader 2.2

By AlterMW3

Caranya :
1. register dulu account alterMW3 di

2. Download file di atas
3. Extract isinya ke tempat km install MW 3
4. jalanin gamenya via iw5mp

1. Error dengan pesan tier0_s.dll
- apus file vstdlib_s.dll, tier0_s.dll, steamclient.dll

2. Error dengan pesan steam_api.dll
- apus file cachesSxS.xml
- setelah semua itu d lakuin extract ulang file altermw3, trus run gamenya via iw5mp.exe

3. Error dengan pesan steam Steam must be running to play this game
- servernya lagi off jadi ga ada solusinya

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